Sunday, February 21, 2016

Round 3 - Team # 10 (Eric & Joseph) #ftc1516

Parasitic Prison
Team # 10 (Eric & Joseph) #ftc1516

I remember when I was six that everything was very confusing. Now that I look at it, I was so oblivious to what was really going on in the world and worst of all my own home.

It all started a few days after Christmas. It was one of the biggest and whitest snows that the United States had in a very long time. It was me, my brother Andrew who was eight at the time and understood a lot more than I ever did and my mom, Susan. My dad died before I was born and my mom refused to tell my brother and I anything. Apparently his death was so gruesome that not even my own mom would tell us anything. I mean, I get that much, but whenever anyone mentioned our dad, she would stare at me with this loving but very scared look on her face like I was... Some kind of monster.

When I was six, I didn't know that my mom was sick. She always acted normal around my brother and I. We never thought anything of it until the day that she passed away. We had cats at the time who were sick as well, but when my mom got sick, one of the cats felt better and the other one died outside. My mom tried to tell us that the cat died a painless death, but the cruel truth is that it's body couldn't handle the sheer weight of a car tire. That night, she went to tuck me in bed and all of a sudden she fell over and started to convulse. I tried to wake her up, hoping she would, but she was dead. I went to get andrew and he told me to call 911. 

After being on the phone for an hour and a half trying to describe where my house is, I hear a scream. A blood curdling scream that I will never be able to get out of my ears or even perceive. I dropped the phone and noticed that our dead cat had never been dead at all. Quite alive. Instead of the normal, loving tabby cat that we came to love with its brown eyes and brown and tan fur, it was dark like an abysmal black that you only hear about in fairy tales and scary stories. Instead of the small mouth that a cat usually has, this... organism had a very big jawline from the snout to the chest with rows of thick and knife like teeth. Instead of the brown eyes that looked at us lovingly, they were a bright white, a white as bright as the snow that fell outside of our house. The four legged being standing before me had no legs, but a spiny, grotesque tail with a bone colored and shaped barb.

Frozen with fear, I couldn't move. As the cat I once knew and loved was this... Deformed, crippled, terrifying monster that was slowly slithering it's way to me was surprisingly not aggressive toward me at all. In fact, it wanted me to follow it. Although fear was anchoring my legs, my curiosity made me move again. First we went to Andrew and looking upon his dead body, I saw signs of constriction. As I looked ever so closely, I heard a voice in my head. It told me to not be afraid and to look to my left. I looked and the monster that distilled fear in me was staring right at me. I realized that there's more to this monster than meets the eye. The monster told me to follow it again. This time to my room, where my mother collapsed. The monster, using its body wanted me to look at her. What I saw horrified me: laying on her stomach, I noticed a stab wound that was circular, like a spear went through her. Observing it more, the monster drew my attention to the knife in her hand. The monster said that it was intended for me. I asked the monster why she tried to kill me. The monster said it was because of what I was. 

To explain what the monster said, he said that my dad was a very bad, but very brilliant man. A parasitologist to be precise. My mom didn't know about his job or what he did or where he worked at. When Andrew was born, he took interest in him and after a year, he didn't want anything to with him because he wasn't "compatible". Well, when my mom was pregnant with me, my dad would do all sorts of experiments on her while she was asleep. After a while she caught on to what he was doing and found his laboratory in the basement. She found all of these progress reports about me. She was so disgusted that she lit the basement on fire with some detergent and a lighter. The monster also explained that my father was burnt to death, but he survived through all of the experiments he did on himself. Turning him into a advanced parasitoid that can adapt to any environment, society, and theoretically space and time itself. And finally the monster explained that I am his legacy and that the monster was of my own doing.

I was stunned... I didnt know what to say or even begin to think of all this. Before I knew it, everythin went black. I woke up and I tried to speak but nothing came out. I saw what I became, I was in a parasitic prison.


Rating - 129/200

Total Rating (3 Rounds) - 431/600 (71.83%)

Judges - Mohit Trendster, Mayank Sharma and Pankaj V.

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